Education is the Real Uisge Beatha*!
皆さん、こんにちは!私はAndy、イギリスはスコットランドの出身です。生まれ育った町、グラスゴーは日本では最近良く知られるようになった、” マッサン”( 竹鶴正孝) がウィスキー作りを学ぶために有機化学を学んだグラスゴー大学がある場所です。マッサンが卒業してから70年後、私もグラスゴー大学にてアダム・スミス(同窓生の中でも最も有名な)と名づけられた校舎で英語学と社会学を学びました。私が20年間過ごしたグラスゴーという場所に“経済学の父”と“日本のウィスキーの父” が大きな影響を与えたといっても言いでしょう!そして、純粋にこの素晴らしい日本に住んでいるのが大好きです。NICに勤めて数年が経ちましたが毎日が新鮮でワクワクするのは、NIC での仕事が好きだからです。
NICで学ぶ事は単純に英文法や語彙を学ぶそれ以上のものがあります。教鞭をとる我々のミッションは、学生が海外の大学で学ぶ上で十分な素地を用意してあげることです。例えば多様な世界情勢について触れさせ、論理的に情報源を評価することを奨励し、思慮深く意見をする力を伸ばすことにあります。また、議論の妥当性を試すために、わざと反対の立場をとれる人になることにも期待しています。これらのスキルを身につけることにより、NIC 卒業生は国内外で真の価値ある社会メンバーとなることができるでしょう。
不安定な時代の時こそ、人は勇気を持つ機会を与えられ掴むことができます。日本の若者は、21世紀のグローバル社会で生き残るためのスキル、知識、将来のビジョンを身につける必要があります。アダム・スミスと竹鶴正孝が教養を深めることに貪欲で挑戦することを恐れなかったように、皆さんもNIC という素晴らしい場所で人生の旅路の一歩を踏み出してみましょう!
* ウィスキーはゲール語で水を意味するuisgeから来ています。アルコールの蒸留はラテン語で命の水aqua vitaeと知られ、スコットランド・ゲール語でuisge beatha (命の水) として訳されています。
Hi there! My name is Andy, and I come from Scotland in the United Kingdom. My hometown of Glasgow is perhaps currently best-known in Japan for the University of Glasgow, where ‘Massan’ (Taketsuru Masataka) studied organic chemistry, before going on to learn t he art of making whisky*. Around 70 years after Massan, I also attended Glasgow Uni, but it was to study English and Social Sciences, in the Adam Smith Building, named after our most famous alumnus. It’ s fair to say that both the ‘Father of Free Market Economics’ and the ‘Father of Japanese Whisky’ have had a substantial impact on the land which has been my home for the past 20 years! I do genuinely love living in this wonderful country. Even after all these years, each day is fresh and exciting, and a big part of that is because of my job here at NIC.
The past twelve months have seen so many unsettling things in the world, from the UK’ s decision to leave the European Union, to Donald Trump’ s shock election as president of the USA. Whether or not you are apprehensive about these decisions, and how they will affect Japan and the rest of the global community, it is fair to say t hat these are times of great uncertainty. It is also troubling to consider that around the world, citizens are voting on major issues without really understanding the likely impact of what they vote for. People have to become better informed about matters that can have a profound impact on their lives, wherever they come from.
Studying at NIC is about far more than simply learning English grammar and vocabulary. As teachers here, OUR MISSION is to prepare our scholars for life as students in an overseas college or university. This means exposing them to a range of pertinent global issues, encouraging them to critically evaluate their sources, and then to develop their own carefully considered opinions. We also expect them to ‘play the Devil’ s advocate’ , and to examine perspectives opposed to their own.
By developing these skills, NIC graduates can become truly valuable members of society, both here in Japan and internationally. Times of uncertainty present opportunities for those with the courage and to seize them, and Japanese young people need to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and vision to thrive in the 21st century global village. Neither Adam Smith nor Taketsuru Masataka were afraid to travel in order to deepen their education. You should not be either ‒ and NIC is a wonderful place for you to begin that journey!
*Whisky comes from the Gaelic word uisge, meaning ‘water’ . Distilled alcohol was known in Latin as aqua vitae ( ‘water of life’ ). This was translated into Scottish Gaelic as uisge beatha (‘water of life’).
Andrew J. Lawson
University of Glasgow MA English-Political Science (Honours)
University of Birmingham MA TESOL (Distinction)
NIC EAP Faculty Member