Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.

Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.
私がこの諺を選んだ理由は、この諺が、まさにNIC での1年間を象徴していると考えたからです。NIC 生の成功は、まず「共に歩む」ところから始まります。そして共に前に進むことで達成されます。NIC での生活が終わっても、さらにその先に、それぞれの夢を実現するために、同じ目標をもった仲間のネットワークを広げて、共に前に進んでいきます。
他の英語圏の国の大学でもおそらく同じような数字がみられるでしょう。すなわち、あなたは、その数百万人の中の一人だということです。ではどうやってその群衆から抜きんでることができるのでしょうか?群衆すなわちネイティブスピーカーの人々たちと共有する大学での生活です。その成功は、単純にきれいに英語が話せる、というだけではなし得ないということです。私たちが行っている教育は、海外の大学での成功するためのものですが、もっと重要なことは、みなさんの前に、すでに数千人のNIC の先輩がすでにこの教育を経験し、さらにその教育の質が変化し発展し続けているということです。みなさんもその広がるネットワークの中に入っていくということです。
一人の教員として、私のゴールは、言語能力とスタディスキルを身につけさせることですが、私のミッションはその数百万人の群衆から、みなさんを抜きん出た存在になるための自信を身につけさせることです。引き上げることです。まずはこの大切な一歩を、ここNIC から、共に歩み、そして海外進学という夢を共有する仲間と共に、始めましょう。
Greetings! My name is Jeremy and I’ m from the United Kingdom. I hope my message is food for thought as you consider your future direction. Let me begin with a short quote.
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.“
Henry Ford
I chose this quote because I think it neatly describes the year of study and preparation for college life available to you, when you decide to study with us at NIC. The success of our students begins in coming together, and is achieved through working together. In being part of a supportive learning community that stays together through to graduation and beyond, NIC students progress to their future destinations within a network of like-minded individuals, all striving to achieve their own unique goals.
Why is this important? Well, let’s consider the following figures:
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in fall 2016, some 20.5 million students are expected to attend American colleges and universities… During the 2016‒17 school year, colleges and universities are expected to award 1,018,000 associate's degrees; 1.9 million bachelor's degrees; 798,000 master's degrees; and 181,000 doctor's degrees.
No doubt there are similar figures for colleges and universities in other English-speaking countries. In short, you will be one of millions. How will you stand out from the crowd? The challenges of higher education you will share with native speakers of English, so it will not depend on “good English” alone.
Here is the good news. We will prepare you for the rigours of academic study and raise your awareness of the demands of living abroad. More importantly, this knowledge is already being applied and shared through the many NIC graduates who have gone before you. You will become part of this expanding network.
As a teacher, my goal is to provide you with the language ability, classroom experience and study skills you will need. My mission is to prepare you with the confidence to stand out from the crowd. Your journey begins with the first step, so let me invite you to come together and make your beginning, with the many others who share your dream of studying abroad.

Jeremy Heard
NIC大阪校 教員
University of Auckland