Study Tips From DannyDanny先生のStudy Tips

18What to Study Abroad
Our teachers at NIC have noticed that having a future plan for college improves a student’s motivation and study habits here and abroad. Perhaps the most important decision that you will make at NIC is the decision of what to study when you go overseas. This very important decision should not be rushed. You should take your time and think about what you want to do in life. Some students come to NIC with a clear dream of their future. Others discover this during their year with us. However, the truth is: the earlier you set your goals, the easier it is to achieve them. Below is a sample of questions and some sample answers. It is important for every student to think about the same questions to plan your future abroad.
Future Planner
Name: Akiko Miyata
Where are you from? Osaka, Japan
- What are some of your hobbies?
I like to travel and meet new people from different countries.
- Are any of these hobbies connected to something to study? If yes, what?
Maybe they can be connected to studying about hospitality in the hotel business or about studying to become a flight attendant.
- List some jobs connected to this area of study.
Hotel staff, tour guide in foreign country, airline employee
- Are you interested in any of these jobs? Which one?
Definitely yes! I want to work in the hotel industry and open my own hotel in the future.
- Can you imagine yourself doing this job for a long time?
I would like to work in a job like this forever!
These are just some of the decisions that our students make when they come to NIC. The great part of our school is that we have so many students studying so many different things. But no matter what you want to study, we can help you! If you are thinking about coming to NIC, answer these questions above. Then call, write, or visit our school and talk to one of our staff members about it. The earlier you make this decision, the earlier you can start planning your future. Remember...the future begins today!!!
Now, fill in the form below. I also included some follow up activities for you to do. If you have several hobbies and interests, you can do it more than once.
Future Planner
Where are you from?
- What are some of your hobbies?
- Are any of these hobbies connected to something to study? If yes, what?
- List some jobs connected to this area of study.
- Are you interested in any of these jobs?
- Can you imagine yourself doing this job/s for a long time?
Extra follow-up activities
- How many important people can you list in this area of study/career?
- Write some information that you learned about these people above.
- Make a list of important English vocabulary words for this area of study.
- Locate a book about this area of study and read it.
- Talk to a staff member at NIC about studying abroad.